Apply for Funding from EA Funds

Applying is fast and easy

If you have a project you think will improve the world, and it seems like a good fit for one of our funds, we encourage you to apply.

Grant sizes are typically between $5,000 and $200,000, but can be as low as $1,000 and higher than $500,000. EA Funds can make grants to individuals, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and other entities. From time to time, EA Funds makes awards in recognition of past charitable, scientific, educational, or civic achievement. You do not need to be based in the US or the UK to apply for a grant. If you are unsure whether you are eligible for a grant, please simply apply.

We sometimes meet people who did not apply because they thought they would not be funded. Some of them eventually applied and were funded, despite their doubts, because we were excited by their projects. Applying is fast and easy; we really do encourage it!

You can choose whether or not we write a public payout report about your grant; just select the corresponding option on our application form. We encourage you to apply if you have a preference for private funding.

EA Funds is always open to applications. The Animal Welfare Fund and EA Infrastructure Fund review applications on a rolling basis. The Long-Term Future Fund evaluates applications in funding rounds.

After EA Funds has recommended funding for a project, the grantee must complete a due diligence process prior to receiving funding. Unless there is explicit agreement otherwise, we will cancel a grant if: 1) the grantee does not respond to emails regarding the due diligence process within two or more months, and 2) they don't reply after at least three follow-ups over email.

Depending on the reason for the delay in the completion of due diligence, EA Funds may still be willing to fund the grant. However, at this point, fund managers will need to re-review the application to ensure the project is still above the current funding bar, which changes over time.

You can also suggest that we give money to other people, or let us know about ideas for how we could spend our money. Suggest a grant.

You can also consult our FAQ page for more information.

Animal Welfare Fund

The Animal Welfare Fund aims to effectively improve the well-being of nonhuman animals, by making grants that focus on one or more of the following:

  • Relatively neglected geographic regions or groups of animals
  • Promising research into animal advocacy or animal well-being
  • Activities that could make it easier to help animals in the future
  • Otherwise best-in-class opportunities

See the Fund’s past grants.

The EA Animal Welfare Fund aims to respond with a funding decision within eight weeks, and typically in just four weeks. If you need to hear back sooner (e.g., within just a few days), you can let us know in the application form, and we will see what we can do. Also please note that the Animal Welfare Fund is currently experimenting with rolling applications but may move back to funding rounds late Q2 of 2023.

Apply to the Animal Welfare Fund

EA Infrastructure Fund

The EA Infrastructure Fund recommends grants that aim to improve the work of projects that use the principles of effective altruism, by increasing their access to talent, capital, and knowledge.

See the Fund’s past grants.

The EA Infrastructure Fund aims to respond to all applications in 2 months, and the majority of applications in 3 weeks. However, due to unprecedentedly high load, we are currently unable to achieve our desired speedy turnarounds (our most recent median is 4 weeks).

If you need to hear back sooner (e.g., within a few weeks), you can let us know in the application form, and we will see what we can do.

Apply to the EA Infrastructure Fund

Long-Term Future Fund

The Long-Term Future Fund aims to positively influence the long-term trajectory of civilization by making grants that address global catastrophic risks, especially potential risks from advanced artificial intelligence and pandemics. In addition, it seeks to promote, implement, and advocate for longtermist ideas, and to otherwise increase the likelihood that future generations will flourish.

See the Fund’s past grants.

After a period of accepting applications on a rolling basis, the LTFF is trialling returning to focused grant rounds. For more information, please see our announcement regarding switching to funding rounds. The deadline for the current application round is February 15, but if you miss the application deadline, you can still submit your application whenever it is complete; we will evaluate it in the next funding round, which will likely be staggered from this round by a few months.

For applications submitted by this deadline, we will respond to applications by March 31st and should have most funding disbursed by April 30th. For particularly time-sensitive opportunities, we maintain a fast-track application process, though we expect the bar to be substantially higher for funding through this channel (i.e., your odds of receiving funding are lower if you apply through the fast-track application).

Apply to the Long-Term Future Fund

Global Health and Development Fund

This Fund currently isn’t accepting applications. Consider applying to GiveWell.